… a great place to be!
Our Place brings together young adults with and without disabilities to plan activities and events at dinner club meetings, work together in volunteer activities within the community, and enjoy good times at Melissa’s Coffeehouse.
Community Service Volunteer Opportunities - we are regularly looking for new ways to be of service to our community! We like to help a variety of agencies and enjoy the experience in working on different tasks… as long as we are helping others! Please contact us if you know of a possible way we can serve the community!
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank
- Participants - Our Place participants are young adults with disabilities who have graduated from High School and wish to be involved with an inclusive recreation and service program. Interested families should contact the Program Coordinator.
- Non-Disabled Peer Volunteers - Our Place welcomes college students or young adults interested in helping people with special needs to join our activities. Peer Volunteers receive professional training and ongoing support. They have a good time, while helping others! For more information about this unique volunteer opportunity, please contact us!
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank